Point Reyes Dialogues, originating at KWMR in Point Reyes Station, (California) explores the great questions of life and our current condition with eminent friends from the arts, science and spirituality, politics and public service. Jacob Needleman is host of the Point Reyes Dialogues and Sylvia Timbers is the series producer.
One of the central aims of these dialogues is to reawaken the art of conversation as a passionate work of opening one's mind to another human being. Conversation such as this is rapidly disappearing in our present world. Yet the work of 'non-egoistic listening and thinking together' is the rock upon which is based not only the American ideal of democracy, but the very possibility of ethical action in our morally and physically threatened world. Our premise is that new territories of collaboration and creativity open with the inner work of listening and thinking together, leading to ethical action in the world.
We will be engaging, one on one, outstanding leaders in the fields of business, art, science, technology, religion, politics, philanthropy and the humanities. Each dialogue will be an experiment in deep conversation, each side working to receive, illumine and inspire the thought and mind and spirit of the other.